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Celebrating the life of

Louis A. Kral

Passed away on March 05, 2022

Louis A. Kral

Louis Anthony Kral, age 69, left this earth on March 5th, 2022 due to a sudden massive cardiopulmonary event and his heart could not recover. He was born in Biloxi, Mississippi on January 28th, 1953. His profession was nurse anesthesia, and after 34 years he retired in 2020. He was happily retired and would say “ I love being retired”. His wife, Martha, and children, Louis and Maddie, he loved above all else. In his younger years, he was a Catholic alter boy and an Eagle Scout with Two Palms. He was a walk-on at Auburn University and played on the football special teams from 1971 to 1973. He studied political science there and received his bachelor’s degree from Auburn. After several years of working in various jobs, he pursued his nursing degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and not long after competed anesthesia school in Columbia, South Carolina at Richland Hospital. Shortly after that he moved to Savannah because he wanted to be close to the water. He loved his chosen profession and was dedicated to his patients. He loved boating, fishing, hunting, and working on boats and cars. He could fix anything and preferred fixing it himself. He loved trading stocks and managing his own portfolio. Any story he told was fascinating, no matter how many times you had heard it. He loved his dogs and cats and especially his pig. He loved the simple pleasures in life such as watching sunsets on his porch, watching the birds, and cooking for his family and friends while enjoying an ice cold Miller Lite and a Camel Wide. He was amazed by this world and marveled at its details and beauty. He will be greatly missed by all who loved him. 

He is preceded in death by his father, Louis Charles Kral, and his mother, Dorothea Houston Kral, both of Montgomery, Alabama, his sister, Susan Rose Millard, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. He leaves behind his wife, Martha Dukes Kral, his two children, Louis Charles Kral and Maddie Kral, his niece, Katie Wood, and nephew, James Millard. 

A remembrance of his life will be held at Fox and Weeks Islands Chapel at 11 AM Saturday morning, March 12, 2022. 

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Wounded Warrior Project. 




A candle has been lit!

Louis was my son, Chris, dearest friend.

- Connie Blessing, Bluffton, SC

My prayers for Martha and family. I loved Louis he was such a great person.

- Harry Helmly, Savannah, GA

Oh Martha, Maddie and Louis. My sincere condolences for this loss. I will keep you in my prayers. Blessings to you all. Ann Thompson.

- Thompson Elizabeth Ann, Atlanta, GA

There was no one like Mr. Kral! He will be missed so much. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Please know how very proud he was of his wonderful family.

- Allison Witherow, Savannah, GA

Martha and Family, Just heard about Lewis.... So sorry for his loss.. God Bless you all.. With Love

- Joyce Weimar, Savannah, Ga

Martha, Louis, and Maddie I am so sorry for your loss. It was so premature. Louis lived a full life in his 69 years and above all I know he adored all of you. My heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers.

- Beth Curtsinger, Savannah, GA

Martha, Louis, and Maddie I am so sorry for your loss. It was so premature. Louis lived a full life in his 69 years and above all I know he adored all of you. My heart goes out to you and you are in my prayers.

- Beth Curtsinger, Savannah, GA

Pat and I are so sorry for your loss. Many prayers for Martha, Maddie and Louis Jr.

- Pam and Pat O'Connor, Savannah, Ga

Louis was my dearest friend. He taught me so much about life. The memories I have will be cherished forever. My deepest regrets to Martha , Louis, and Maddie. Love you guys.

- Chris Blessing, Saint Simons Island, Georgia

Martha, I am so sorry for your loss. I alway looked forward to working with Louis in the OR; he was not only amazing at taking care of his patients he made working fun! He will be greatly missed by many. May God give you peace that surpasses the understanding of man, you are in my prayers. With love, Shannon

- Shannon Newman, Savannah, GA

My years with Louis started in the early 90’s. They were filled with love, laughter tears and pranks! Always daily conversations about how much he loved his family and of course Gus( his Pig). He loved with his whole heart and was always interested in what was happening in the daily lives of his coworkers. He was a giving man always providing us with an abundance of “snacks” and never expecting anything in return. He had an impact on my life and I will never forget him! The words love and respect were never exchanged but I suspect he knew. Megan McCarthy

- Megan And John McCarthy , Savannah , Georgia

Dear Martha, Louis, & Maddie, I am shocked to just learn today of the sudden passing of Louis on Sat. March 5th. Though I have much more experience working with you, Martha, I remember doing cases with Louis many years ago when he was new to nurse anesthesia. He was always very professional & competent. I would hear about his exploits into fishing, hunting, boating, & fixing things from various sources & get reports about the family pig from you. Sending my sincerest condolences to you all. May he rest in peace, & let God's perpetual LIGHT shine upon him. :-(

- Lawrence E Ruf, Savannah, Ga

So very sorry for your loss.

- Kristin Royal, Ellabell, GA

Bubba and are just heartbroken. We are keeping your family close to our hearts and in our prayers. Michelle and Bubba Strickland

- Michelle Strickland, Savannah, GA

Mitch and I are so sorry to hear Louis passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

- Rebecca Krah, Savannah , GA

Martha, I’m glad that I was able to spend time with you, Maddie, and “Little Louis”. What wonderful children you and Louis made. He was so proud of his kids. I have so many fond memories of Lewis in the operating room taking such wonderful care of our patients. Of course you also took wonderful care of our patients! Lewis was so good to Marvin While he was sick with cancer. I’m sure they are out fishing somewhere. I was amazed when Lewis came in with a pecan pie that he made and brought me one every Christmas. I could go on and on but we will get together soon. Love you & am here for you.

- Karen Bedingfield, Savannah, Ga.

In send heartfelt condolences to the family, I pray that the peace that surpasses all understanding be with you, during this season of your lives, and that is God is with you.Louis will truly be missed by many. Much love,❤️

- Linda Baker, Savannah, GA

Martha, Maddie and Louis, please know how very saddened I am by Louis' passing. We've not communicated in quite a while but know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. He was truly one of a kind!

- Ronald V Petty, Columbia, SC

I’m so sorry for your loss. There are no words to give you peace just know that he is at peace probably worried he left his loved ones too early. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe and take care.

- Debbie Sayles, Seminole , Fl

Martha, Maddie and Louis, I was so sorry to hear about Louis. He was truly one of a kind. I considered it quite an honor to have been able to call Louis my friend. I will always cherish the times we spent together. My Courtney certainly loved him. Those times will always be my best memories. Martha I will keep you and the kids in thoughts and prayers. I am here if you need me. Love to you all. Glenda Jacobs

- Glenda Jacobs, Savannah, Ga

His light will shine on through his beautiful family.

- The Yeckleys, Sav, GA

A candle has been lit!

Louis was the best and will be missed!

- Brad Thompson, Savannah, Ga

He will be missed by all ❤️

- Brenda Cannon & all servers from Larry’s Restaurant , Savannah , Georgia

Martha, I’m so sorry to hear about Louis’ passing. He taught me so much in the OR (even though I wasn’t an anesthetist). I will always have fond memories of him and his kindness to me.

- Lyle Myers, Savannah, Ga

Martha: I just received this heartbreaking news. I am shocked and so very very sorry for your loss. I remember the first day, so many years ago, when I met Louis in the operating room at Candler. I knew then we would be friends. He made work fun, and he cared so much for his patients, and expected that same caring attitude from everyone. I was so happy when ya’ll got married. We all had some great times together, that I will always cherish. After he retired, I would occasionally see him when I took my stepdad to Larry’s for lunch. He was the same “old” Louis, laughing and talking about you and the kids. He loved his family! Know that I am thinking of you and Maddie, and Louis, and you are in my prayers. Please reach out if you need anything! Love you ♥️

- Peggie Owen, Savannah, GA

Louis Anthony Kral January 28, 1953- March 5, 2022 Songs with the video: Led Zeppelin-Out on the Tiles Riding with the King Eric Clapton Ramble On Mainline Florida ” The man ,the myth, the legend. A most interesting man. This presentation gives a little glimpse of him in my words, though words cannot capture the depth of the man he was and the life he lived.”I’ve got something to say!” Louis Anthony Kral left this earth March 5 due to sudden massive cardiopulmonary event and his heart could not recover. He was at home when it happened, doing something he enjoyed, watching the stock market and reading on the computer. He walked into the kitchen. It must have been a pulmonary embolus. His body made it to the Memorial ER but I think his spirit had already left. In his pragmatic way, he would probably have characterized it as ,”He was dead when he hit the ground.”Although he did speak a few words. His last words were “I can’t breathe” and “oxygen”. He was trying to fix the problem. His children and I woke up Sunday morning and our world had changed in a million ways. No more millions of minutes and words and moments with him. All that love he gave and we gave back is now a sweet memory. He had showered us with love and attention.Frequently he told me,”Thank you for giving me these beautiful children.Without you I would have never had them” Though he gave his love and attention to many others, his wife and children were his world.He made you feel special. He would say every day, “Did I tell you yet today that I love you?” He was devoted to us in all his heart and deeds. He was also devoted son. When his aging mother, age 84, needed to be near family, he brought her to Savannah and found her a place at Summer BreezeSenior Living, 7 minutes from us.He fixed it up with her furniture and some personal touches, including the kitchen light fixture from her home in Montgomery. He always sent his parents cards on Mothers Day and Fathers Day, and Christmas and birthdays, and if it was birthday it had to be on time. If it had gotten so close to the day that it would not arrive on time in the regular mail, he would have it expedited. It had to arrive on time, even if he had to go to the post office and have it overnighted. He used lots of words.He liked to talk and tell a story, mostly about times in his life. All his stories were fascinating, no matter how many times you had heard them. His mind didn’t work like most other peoples. He was witty, and smart, and used stinging words sometimes. He could sure dish out some Catholic guilt like he was raised with. Sometimes I wondered if he had Asberger’s, or too many hits in the head from football. He would say they should study his brain after he was dead and see about the football head injury thing. His best friend at Auburn, told me this week, when we spoke on the phone. He had a strong personality.They still kept in touch with each other on the phone.He had a memory like a steel trap. He was brilliant. He was boisterous and messy and yet fastidious in other ways .He was holder of tradition and somewhat ritualistic. Many events were a cause for celebration. Every Christmas he would set out his family heirloom creche as he called it, also known as a manger scene, on Christmas eve and sing happy birthday to baby Jesus, at exactly midnight. He was very frugal except in some circumstances.He only bought used cars,and he repaired every broken car and appliance himself However he was not so frugal about tools. If he needed a tool he would buy them of good quailty. And if he couldn’t find one when he needed it, he would go buy another.Money was something to be used to buy what you needed, yet not squandered .Name brands meant nothing to him ,however if I bought Scott toilet paper he would not use it and tell me not to buy “that cheap toilet paper.” That was an easy fix. His favorite shirts were the Cabela’s vented shirts- and then he found some similar at Sam’s which he said were cheaper and just as good, so he bought many of them in different colors.Contrary to his frugality was one of his often used quotes, that he could also live by -“There ain’t no price on a good time.”He was quite an enigma at times. He was generous with his time to others. He was the one his friends called if they needed help with something .It might be fixing a lawnmower or their boat or providing help in lifting something heavy. He made you feel special. He was a big tipper.If ,on the rare occasion that someone came to work n the yard or on the house , like when a new roof was put on, he would send them off with a case of beer or some extra cash. On more than one occasion his tip in a restaurant wold be larger than the bill. Traveling away from home did not appeal to him much but for several years we as a family would go to the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition in Charleston and stay at this charming bed and breakfast downtown on King St. It is a dog friendly place. One year we took our dog Gullah and left him in his crate and when we got back in the room Gullah was out and the crate on its side. We never knew how that happened. He had trained Gullah to be in the Dock Dog competition. That is an aquatic competition for dogs where a dummy was thrown by the owner into a pool about 35 feet long and the dog runs and jumps to retrieve the dummy. The length of the jump is measured.It is the “long jump” of canine aquatics The art and sculptures were admired by him and he would always buy some things -a little wren sculpture, several Brackish bow ties, fancy artisan bird feeders. He had no filter, and no vanity, no inhibitions.He could not be embarrassed.He was what you call a “man’s man”, maybe the way he was raised or maybe it was all those John Wayne movies he watched. He was a handsome man with beautiful blue eyes and an olive complexion which tanned easily when he went fishing and wore no shirt. And he ofter went without a shirt at home or in the yard. He was comfortable that way. His voice was deep and resounding and when he laughed it was a lusty heartfelt belly laugh, and many times it was .mischievous He was extremely sentimental. Anything you ever gave him he kept.He had a small collection from friends ,of beach sand ,from places he never went. He did what he thought was right and fair. He was a man of integrity-as defined by his honesty and strong moral principles. He was brutally honest. Being in a boat was a joy to him.Fishing was a passion of his. If he wasnt’t fishing and the boats were in the yard, he would rearrange the gas tanks or change out a motor to try and make it more efficient.And he would sometimes just sit in it and dream about ways to change it up so that was totally functional in the way he wanted it. He called that “yard boating.” Boats he treasured, but he rarely washed his car. If I suggested it or offered to do it for him, he would say “go wash your own car. You worry about your stuff.” His first used Bertram boat,at 25 feet, he named Maddie’s Daddy , and he that name and a pink squid lure painted on the side. The children when they were little would call it a “squib”. He continued to use words that the children coined, instead of the proper term .A umbrella is an “umbrenda”. A Zebra is a “zebit. Two of his favorite restaurants Are “Katpie”(Kanpai), Catcun(Cancun) and the 3rd favorite, Chef Wan got to keep its real name. He loved to cook for his family and friends. It might be a hearty casserole with beef and mashed potatoes as the basic ingredients with added vegetables at hand put to use. Rotel was often used. What started out as Shepards Pie, would have other renditions and might be called “Gruel” or something else. If he had beed working on a dock that day, it would be called Dockbulders Pie.” Other meals might be fried fish or chicken wings. If it was wings he was frying that night would called it “Wingy Ding” night.Pot roast in the Instapot became another specialty as did ham and lima beans, also collard greens cooked with basaltic vinegar and brown sugar.Seasoned salts like Natures Seasoning or Slap Ya Mama were used freely. He thought one should start out the day with a breakfast, and that might be a Jimmy Dean sausage biscuit at home or a fried egg sandwich that he bought from Sunny Side Up restaurant that he bought for his friends at work. Oh they knew him well at that restaurant. Himself usually didn’t eat breakfast and sometimes didn't eat until nighttime. One of his saying he often used was ‘“food should be cooked with love.” And he appreciated it when someone cooked for him. Recently I made a simple parmesan casserole. I was asleep in bed when he came in and leaned down close to me, his head next to mine, and said ”That was the best thing I ever tasted.” And he meant it.He He mostly ate his food off of paper plates. But he also used paper plates for taking notes, making lists, phone numbers, and GPS fishing coordinates. Of course , his perfectly grilled medium rare or rare steaks would never be put on a paper plate. And he was the, after he retired, one who took on the task of washing dishes. He was bright, clever and intuitive. One of our dear and accomplished CRNA friends said of him. He is one of the best anesthetists I have ever worked with. “He has the best intuition of any CRNA I know.” He loved to teach and introduce people to new things. He would teach many people many things at his workplace. But it was him to really show you how , or lead you through it. Like if he was showing someone how to intubate, he would be like “Look in here. You see those two whitish lines, those are the vocal cords. You put the tube between those.” And he could elaborate more too, in simple yet knowledgable words that one could grasp. He loved taking care of people He loved his profession and got great satisfaction from the work he did. And It wasn’t just that he gave the anesthesia to someone. He would get someone a warm blanket, or a donut after surgery or even a ride home if needed.He would answer their questions in words that they could understand, and would not rush them. He was a huge patient advocate.I remember him telling me a story about a patient in the ICU when he worked there. The pt was paraplegic and had a tracheostomy , so he couldn’t talk, but had some use of his hands.Louis came in for his shift one night and another nurse had tied the patients hands with restraints. When Louis asked why, the nurse replied that when the patient needed his mouth suctioned he would bang on the bedrails. Louis untied the man’s arms and rigged up the suction somehow attached to the bed rail so that the man could use the suction himself. You better not mess with his people -whether it be patients, or his family and friends. He would be fiercely protective. Old people and children he especially loved and bonded with .Everyone else was on their own, as a friend of his has said. But in reality, he could care for all types of people, and of course animals. His Dog Gullah and his pig Gus will be lost without him. And the chickens and the cat named Monkee, will miss him. And he had them on a schedule. Chickens were fed at 5PM, then pig around 6 and then dogs. Cat could be anytime since her food bowl sits atop the dryer. The dog and the pig you had to separate or they would try to eat each others food.The Pig pretty much thinks he is a dog. Louis would give them each a dog bone and they would each have to sit first. The pig does follow command to sit. he would say “The pig is a sentient being. How could someone hurt such an animal?” And he showered attention on the animals as well. He would scratch the pig’s back for along time as the pig lay beside his recliner chair. And the dog would stand and would put his paws on the side arms of Louis leather recliner and look at Louis and start to bark and Louis would hold Gullah’s head in his hands and say ‘What ? Have you got something to say? Say it.”And this could go on for while.And he would feed his dog and pig a piece of what ever he might be eating. He would offer it to them and say, “Now this is a potato chip. Try it. You’re gonna like it.It was his lap that the cat sat in , when the weather was cold. His favorite place to shop was Sams. He would go there once a month at least and sometimes every week. The pantry is overflowing with food .He seemed to find comfort in having a lot of food around. Perhaps it was from those years before he went to anesthesia school, when he had some lean years. And when he bought groceries he went all out. He didn’t just buy one of certain things. If he bought Bar B Que sauce, he would buy 6 different kinds. At least 3 different kinds of tartar sauce. Same with cocktail sauce for seafood, 3 bottle minimum. 5 different kinds of chips.And candles, same thing. He would buy 6.he lit candles almost every night when watching TV at the kitchen table. He watched a lot of Fox news and CNBC. At 5 o’clock -The Five came on At 6 what ever… At 8 PM we would often sit at the table and watch Tucker Carlson It wasn’t that he was mesmerized by any of this but it was some news and it was some entertainment too. And with his poltical science degree he understood a lot about geo politics.We would ask him to explain it to us. He was distressed by the past 2 years a good bit and said it made him depressed. He was worried about the stock market especially. Films about sharks were some of his favorite TV series/shows and he would watch them fervently . It went on for weeks. There was Shark Week and Sharkfest. He liked Sharkfest better because it lasted longer and it provides a more objective approach to the apex predator. He didn’t have much sense of time or abide by it. He was a night owl and if he was watching a movie or baking pecan pies , or whatever, he did it until it was completed. It might be 2am in the morning and he had to go to work the next day, no matter to him. Though it was hard as hell sometimes for him to wake up in early morning hours for work. But once he was up, he was wide open!For some times in his life you might say “he lived by the seasons” Fishing seasons that is. We had a huge yard and a medium house. The yard was more important to him ,and it could hold all of his boats, and equipment and tools ,and a good bit of junk. And he would let friends keep their stuff here if they needed space. Since he retired he would sit more in his chair, though he was still active. It was by a big picture window, a view of the front yard and driveway.There were some flowers planted there and recently one of those bird feeders that is attached to the window. He enjoyed watching the birds come to feed, and from time to time he would call me and say, “Martha come here. See that bird.What kind is it?” Or he would say’Look how bright red that cardinal is.!”He would say “thank you for showing me all this.” And similar, he would call my name and say “Martha, come here, you gotta see this! “ I would go and look out and say “what is it? “ and he would say” look at the dog and the pig laying next to each other. The pig wants to be by the dog.” It was true. He told us many times that he wished to be cremated and wanted some of his ashes scattered in our yard and some of them cast into the waters of the Atlantic Gulf Stream current. A bright light of beauty and love has been extinguished now that he is gone from this world. But as one of his dearest friends wrote to us in a card, we “will remember him as long as we are alive.” Before you leave , please watch this 36 second video of him It was at his mother’s house in Montgomery after she died. Year 2015.He was fixing it up to sell . His son Louis took the video. Thank you all for sharing your lives with Louis and us, and thank you for coming today. May God bless us all. . . .

- Martha Kral-his beloved wife of 31 years, Savannah, GA

Martha, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Louis was one of the smartest, kindest, and most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. I will miss him. God bless you and your family.

- Richard Schulze, Jr, Savannah, GA

So sorry to hear about Louis’s passing. We had many good times working on boats together. He was one of a kind and will be missed.

- Johnny Bridges, Savannah, Ga

Services under the direction of:

Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel